About Me

I have had many titles in my life…

A Being of Love & Light, Life Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Source energy Meditator, Intuitive, Good Will Ambassador to third world countries, Facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie, Transformational Breathe Facilitator, Successful Business Man. Today, my long life of awakening and consciousness has given me many gifts.  I live my life with these modalities and life experiences. I may not have all the credentials  or degrees. What I do have, is an awareness from life experience and intuitive connection with source energy.

The Journey About Me

From growing up in NY City, to owning a retreat center on top of a mountain in Ojai Ca. and now living in Las Vegas. I have seen and been through so much. I have traveled to Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Jamaica, and all over Europe, sharing the work I love. The biggest journey for me has been the one that has taken me from my brain and into my heart. No matter where my physical body is these days, I live from my heart and that has brought me wisdom and clarity to share with all of you.

The Work of Byron Katie. In 1998, I found Byron Katie and her Work. For me that was the way home to myself. I use it every minute of every day and my coaching is centered around this amazing process. This Work has helped me through my journey. I have been blessed with an intuitive sense of love. The Work is the  most simple and yet powerful tool I know of to transform oneself.

Intuitive Love & Light breath-guided meditation,  helps assist the body in letting go of traumas and stress on an emotional, mental and spiritual level. This type of meditation promotes healing of  traumas and physical pain. I feel very blessed that source energy speaks through me. Through my work people have been inspired to accept the reality of life & be their authentic selves. They see their challenges from an entirely different perspective and find their way to empowerment, clarity and peace.

Holistic health thriver.  doctors have said I had cancer, over 15 years ago.  Through holistic therapies, nutrition and optimistic healing energy,  I am healthy and alive and have so much energy.  Love to share my experience with you.

Hospice volunteer. What an honor to be with people and their families as they transition. Their honesty during that time, has taught me empowerment and to live with integrity and to embrace my own feelings. I share with all of my clients the importance of being honest with themselves and others.

Big Brother volunteer, where I would talk honestly and simply spend time with kids. Children express how they feel. Imagine the joy of being honest. I now realize I don’t have to be a child in order to live in joy. I let the child inside me shine and the joy follows.

“You can focus on what is missing in your life or live in gratitude for what you have and live in joy”.

My Mission Statement…

To connect all of us with the Love & Light within.

To promote Peace, Love, Clarity and Acceptance

in all facets of religion, business, politics and life.

To be Authentic and Live from your Heart.

To inspire people to accept themselves, others and reality.

To Live from Love